
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Home Renovations For The Fall

Today is officially the first day of Fall. Summer was way too short, June was basically a non-event, weather was awful, had a couple of really nice hot (maybe too hot, thanks global warming) days in July and then august was kind of on again and off again. Honestly, I am not ready for fall, or winter for that matter. As I've been saying to my wife, New England is doing a really bad job of convincing me to stick around for another year.

Winter 2012 / 13 wasn't particularly bad, but it just lasted forever - it was 30 degrees for basically nine months.

I will always be a New England boy and I will always keep our home here, but life is just too damn short to spend half of the year inside.

Before we go seeking warmer climates however, I do need to do some work on the house that I've been putting off.

I'll get back to you all with the various projects and states of deconstruction / destruction as they progress.